Metro: Self-service Conferencing

Meet the on-premises VQ app that empowers hybrid workers to collaborate flexibly and securely, using your Cisco infrastructure.

VQ Conference Manager Metro gives employees the freedom to communicate from just about anywhere, using virtually any device.

Consistent user experiences across desktop, tablet and mobile

Metro provides a consistent interface for employees to schedule, host, and join video and audio calls, using a range of devices.

Access Metro on desktop, tablet, and smartphone, either as a native app, or in a web browser.

Powerful in-call control

Metro includes the in-call functionality employees expect from a modern audio or video client. This includes comprehensive participant controls, audio and video management, and more.

Multi-language user interface

International teams can change the Metro user interface language between English, German, French, Spanish, Romanian, Polish, and Arabic.


Please contact us if you need additional languages – we can add more relatively quickly.

Concurrent calls enable in-call translators, interpreters and advisers

Metro supports multiple concurrent calls, enabling employees to join a meeting and simultaneously connect to a translator, sign language interpreter, or trusted adviser.

Microsoft Outlook and Exchange integration

Most people plan their meetings using Microsoft Outlook. Metro gives employees easy access to conferencing on your Cisco infrastructure, directly within Outlook.


Add joining instructions to any calendar invite. Manage meeting Spaces. And when it’s time to join a call, there’s one-click access to the full Metro client.


Metro syncs with Microsoft Exchange calendars, so employees can also see their upcoming meetings within Metro.

Microsoft Teams integration

Microsoft Teams has become an essential productivity tool for distributed workforces. Metro conveniently blends Teams’ powerful collaboration capabilities with the quality, predictability and security of call experience you get with Cisco infrastructure.


Metro for Teams enables employees to add Cisco meeting Space details and one-click joining instructions to their Teams chats and channels.

Cisco collaboration devices and OBTP

Metro also works with your Cisco in-room collaboration devices. Users can log in on the endpoint to manage and join their upcoming calls.


Plus, VQ Conference Manager integrates with Cisco One Button To Push (OBTP). Meetings booked via Metro that include rooms with Cisco collaboration devices, will display a ‘Join’ button on the in-room equipment at the meeting’s start time.

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